Note: Please note that if you want to go on a double or triple run, all orders have to be assigned at the same time. You cannot assign your second or third order after you have assigned an order.

The first thing you need to check is does your phone have an old order on it? To check, ask the driver/manager to look at the phone. There should be no order on the phone.

If you have an order on your phone, do the following:

- At the top right of the management console select the “Orders” tab

- Then select “Orders out for Delivery”

- Find the driver you would like to cancel the order for, and press the red “Cancel Run” button

- Wait. The order may sometimes take a few seconds to disappear. If the order does not disappear within 2 minutes then contact Cowa Bunga.


Have no orders? 

Don't worry! There is a way to solve this.

If you can assign the order on the Management Console but it isn’t showing on the device, it is likely due to connectivity issues or no data on the phone.

This error means the sim has no data.  If the phone does not show orders still, then:

- Check that the driver has logged into the correct name,

- If driver is logged into correct name, contact Cowa Bunga.

If you have any questions, please contact Nando's Helpdesk.